The Usual Suspects(1995)

The Usual Suspects (1995) is an thriller Crime drama - Neo- Noir film directed by  Bryan Singer. It is considered one of the notable films in the Crime Drama genre. As the title suggests the main plot around the film is find the main suspect of the film and if he is caught or does he escape is the basic story line.

Cast:  Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byme, Benico Del Toro, Stephen Baldwin etc.

Plot and Summary:

The film opens up with a murder scene in the Docks where Dean Keaton ( Played by Gabriel Benico) is shot dead by a man with Golden cigaret lighters and is left handed. The camera then pans around to the shaddy spot where Verbal klint ( Played by Kevin Spacey)  watches the murder. The next day Verbal surrenders to police and narrates the whole scene to them and the flash Back begins.

Five Suspects - Fenster( Played by benico), Mcmanus( Played by Stephen Balwin) , Dean keaton , Hockeny and verbal are arrested by the San Pedro Police on account of a drug trafficking. dean keaton is an Ex-Cop who was involved in Drug traffiking earlier and had done some bad things in his life and  now he is trying to put all those behind and lead a clean life with the help of his attorney girlfriend Erin----. The interogation goes till the night and none of the suspects answer to the police. During the night McManus tries to persuade Dean about a job but dean refuses.  The next day Verbal tries to convince Dean to join the crew. The five members continue to do some more jobs in Newyork.

FBI agent Dave Kuyan wants to interogate verbal Klint as his the sole survivor of the night in the Docks.  Verbal has already got immunity and wants go on bail. The interrogation begins and Dave askes about the entire operation of the five of them. The Character of Verbal klint plays is pivotal role in the film. he plays a cripple in the film with left hand and left leg are partially crippled . He seems to be the weakest member of the squad.

He acts timid and scared at first and asks for coffee to begin with. He than askes fo a cigarette and since he is crippled Kujan lights its for him. He begins his narration with their job on the New York police taxi service and their California visit. In- between his narration Verbal resorts to some of past jobs in random places and mentions about some random Events.He mention a lawyer named " Kobayashi" who offers them a 91 Mllion dollar Dope deal to be carried out in a few days. Meanwhile another FBI agent tries to interrogate a survivor of the Docks Blast. He learns that the there was no dope deal and " Keizer Soze" was there at the scene. The Agent tries to get the Picture of Keizer soze's description from the survivor.

Kujan  mentions "Keizor soze" to verbal and tries to get information from him. This is where film gets really interesting. there are multiples flasbacks on Keizer Soze on the Incidents that lead to the blasts .Verbal narrates the story of Keizer Soze and how he comes to power. He also explains the Myth about him. Verbal compares  Keiser Soze to the devil and says " The Greatest trick the devil every played is convincing everyone that he never exists" . Verbal exhibits clear fear of Keiser Soze, when kujan asks him why did he not kill Keizer whe he sees him kill Dean Keaton. He replies " How could i shoot the devil in the back and points to hiss crippled hands and says what if i miss"

Finally Kujan explains his take on the murder scene and tries to grill Verbal one last time on "what happened in the boat" and ends up assaulting him. He then gives an explanation on what really happened on the boat and verbal is shocked with tears after hearing this.Verbal goes out walking towards the car with his golden cigarette lighter in the hand and a golden watch. Kuyan watches the paper board  and he is shocked at somethings and all the people in Verbal's narration is on the wall ( Quadret, Quatamale, Redfoot) and finally Kobayashi Porcelain is printed on the back of the Coffee mug. Kuyan runs to check on verbal but (lines from verbal's initial narration is played)

" He was gone; and my guess is that you will never see him again"


One of the most interesting story telling method is handled in the movie. At the end of the film we will question our judgement on what we have heard till now is it all really what happened in the film? or was it the narrator's intention te see what he wanted?. This film gives the concept of " Twist in the movie " a whole new meaning. You think that its all over and in the last few minutes you get another one.Kevin Spacey role is the most important one and he pulls it off with ease.He bagged an Oscar for Best Actor in a supporting role.
