Inside out(2015)

Inside Out(2015) is an American Animation comedy Drama directed by Pete Doctor. it is about the life of Riley , A eleven year old who moves from Minnesota to San Francisco and incidents in the new city

Voice: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Kaitlyn Dias.

Plot and Summary :

Animation films till now which has been released by Pixar/Disney are mostly for kids. All genres are not very serious and mostly orient themselves on improving the special effects and visualisation. It is here Inside out is significantly different from the rest.

It starts with Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) born and the scene pans to what seems to be her brain and we see Joy(Amy Poehler) (an emotion personified into a character) and we see several others like sadness(Phyllis Smith), caution(Bill Hader), disgust(Lewis Black), anger(Mindy Kaling). The film then follows how these " emotions " control each and every action of Riley. All her memories are stored as glass bulb which glows in the color of emotions ( yellow for happy, blue for sadness, etc) and there are bright ones which constitutes the core memories. There are then the islands of memory which constitutes Riley's interests ( Family, friendships, humour etc).

The kick in the film starts when Riley goes to her new school, in a state of panic  she begins to cry in front of the whole class forming a sad core memory. Joy tries to stop in and both Joy and sadness get thrown out into the a memory dump (an abyss where all the memories are stored). Now Caution disgust and Anger control Riley 's brain . what happens to Riley at the end and does she ever feel happy again is the rest of the film.

The film explains beautifully how brain works in a very comic way, it is very easy to realate how do we have mood swings and in a way we could understand what happens in our brain when  we are faces with different situations. The concept of islands of Memory and train of thought are beautifully told quite literally!

The film follows Riley's life which is filled with mostly anger, frustration and loneliness and in parallel Joy and Sadness try to find a way back to HQ to make Riley normal again. 


After several disappointing events at school and in the family Riley  tries to flee back to Minnesota , but in the last minute changes her mind when she remembers her core memory ( Joy and Sadness get back to HQ!) She forms a core memory which is both sad and happy. We then see her new islands of memory after a few years.

With Inside out, Pixar has changed the Animation Film industry forever, a segment which was only meant for kids till now. Inside out is a intellectual movie. One which seems to comic but hands very abstract concepts pertaining to the functions of brain , thought processing .

Pete Doctor , the director of the film finalised the script of the film after consulting with many researchers and from his own experiences with his pre-teen daughter. One of the best films in 2015 till date.
